Datacrushers’ “Segment Email Blast” allows you to send a mass email blast to a (large or small) segment of your shoppers at once. This is above and beyond a general organic newsletter. Now that you’ve set up and saved some shopper segments, you can use those segments to reach out to specific customers.
It’s very simple! You simply select a saved segment that you created in the “shopper analytics” tab and then send emails out to all the shoppers in that specific segment. As an example, you can send an email out to all shoppers who haven’t purchased in the last 3 months, but, who have spent a total of $500 or more on your site. (Read about LTV/LTS in shopper analytics here). Or, you can send an email blast out to all customers who had an abandoned cart total over over $500 along with a coupon code to encourage them to purchase. The possibilities are endless!
You can get to the “Segment Email Blast” section in two different ways. 1. Select “Segment Email Blast” from the drop down menu under “Crushers,” (as shown above) or, 2. From the “Shopper analytics” tab under “action” as shown below.
You will then be directed to this page:
Here, you will first schedule the time that you’d like the email blast to be sent out. Make sure to edit both the date and the time. Then, edit the email subject and the “from” email. Next, you need to select the email segment. To do this, you click the drop down arrow and choose the segment you saved earlier on in shopper analytics. You may also choose to exclude a segment as well. An example of using the exclusion would be sending an email to all shoppers who were using mobile devices and excluding those who are repeat shoppers (“LTS” of 2 or more).
Next, you have to design the email. You can use our simple email editor, or you can copy the HTML of your abandonment emails and paste it in by clicking the HTML button. Once you’ve pasted in the HTML, you should edit the content of the email to reflect the segment, its purpose and don’t forget a catchy CTA. Click the html button shown in the red box below and paste it in.
Once the email looks good and you’ve tested it, simply click the red “save” button and you’re Email Blast is scheduled!
Happy hunting!