
7 Simple causes of cart abandonment and how to prevent them

Cart Abandonment is the scourge of eCommerce merchants the world over. It’s a lot like an invasive species, slowly ruining the environment around it.  Unlike an invasive species, it is a naturally occurring byproduct of eCommerce. However, that does not mean that eCommerce retailers must simply stand by and accept cart abandonment as a

By | 2018-03-27T18:10:01+00:00 March 19th, 2018|Cart-Abandonment, Guide, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 7 Simple causes of cart abandonment and how to prevent them

How and Why Cart-Abandonment Rates Vary by Industry

The average cart-abandonment rate is around 69%, and that is a fact. But the rate varies quite a bit depending on the product or service on offer across different industries. Which raises the question as to why exactly cart-abandonment rates vary by industry, and what can be done to reduce it on a case-by-case

By | 2018-03-27T17:43:59+00:00 February 28th, 2018|Cart-Abandonment|Comments Off on How and Why Cart-Abandonment Rates Vary by Industry