Abandonaid is now Datacrushers

AbandonAid was founded on the premise of combating cart abandonment, using a wide range of anti-revenue-loss features with the simple, yet complex mission of engaging shoppers and bringing them back to complete their purchase.

AbandonAid rapidly became one of the fastest-growing cart abandonment solutions for online merchants. As our solutions grew in scope and power we felt it was crucial to rebrand the company with a new name. Datacrushers was born!

After a year of deep analysis and evaluating the results, we realized the amount of potential revenue shoppers were leaving behind. It was no longer “just” about cart abandonment. Our powerful new name better reflects what we can do both now and in the future. We are now data crushers who collect huge amounts of real-time data, along with our technology and expertise, our new platform now combats site-wide revenue loss.

The Economist posted an article recently about the impact data is having on the industry titled, “The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.” It’s all about the data! A resource, now as powerful and game changing as oil was in the industrial age. The magic happens when data is crushed, refined and processed. We believe that data is at the heart of commerce and everything we’re doing.

Ecommerce merchants and marketing managers collect and have access to vast amounts of data. Much can be learned from that data with the right solutions. Most online merchants are using several redundant analytics tools, many times side-by-side unable to see results and decipher their real meaning and actionable value.

Those days are officially behind us and a new dawn in actionable data-driven revenue has arisen.

Our data-driven solutions are revolutionizing the way e-commerce merchants visualize their shoppers’ journey. They can now truly monitor shopper engagement with actionable analytics and tools to engage, optimize and fight site-wide revenue loss through precise abandonment, social and targeted campaigns.


We are Datacrushers! Welcome to the future of eCommerce!

Come and check the new platform at Datacrushers.com.

By | 2017-06-28T13:05:10+00:00 June 27th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Abandonaid is now Datacrushers